Far beyond the reach of mankind were lustre and beauty, majesty and might. The universe laid beneath its feet and everything within our little globe of existence lived because of the benevolence of this might unseen.
We erred, we failed, we stumbled and broke his noble heart…it was never the plan but he punished us still out of love undefiled not of hate.
He wanted what used to be, the intimacy, he wanted the smiles. He sent a part of himself as we stepped out of the sober season of advent. few were ready and many unprepared.
He came still not as we envisaged, he came in a stable… none of this was staged.
This is not a fable because stables are heard, not folktales or myths. This is me sharing with you mysteries yet to be understood in ages to come.
The stars led us there, he played softly on hay, a price he had to pay. The greatest laid among the least, the unison of the weak and strong, the chaste among the filth. The significance remains undiluted, it was the epitome of the kind of love required from us, a symbol of how far he could go for us...descending from his throne to the stables.
You ask why born in a stable, I ask if we are really worth such sacrifice.